Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mass Sexeffect

Mass Effect has been cooking up some controversies lately, when FOX (read: faux) news did a coverage on the game, with regards to the "sex scenes" found in the game (watch the report here). The report featured a "psychology specialist" by the name of Cooper Lawrence, who warned viewers of the "game's vicious, child corrupting qualities" even though she herself had yet to play the game.

And oh boy, can you imagine the backlash by the gaming community after her ignorant comments was broadcast on the TV which subsequently found its way around the Internet. Her book,
The Cult of Perfection: Making Peace with Your Inner Overachiever, received an overwhelming 440+ reviews, majority of which were negative, causing her book to average a 1 star out of a total of 5. Unfortunately, Amazon has deleted most of the reviews and now it's cut down to 20+, but the rating of the book is still at 1.5 stars. A particularly interesting review mentioned the following:

"I'm also quite disappointed that Mrs. Lawrence would use sex appeal (the cover) to sell her book. Whether she realizes it or not there are a lot of kids in book stores today that will see this and get the wrong impression."

I found myself chuckling when I read that comment, as it was direct counter back at Cooper for the baseless nonsense she spouted out during the FOX coverage. There were other interesting reviews like "I didn't read the book but I could see this book sucks" which were, sadly, removed by Amazon. Ah, are you enjoying the irony, Cooper?

Seems like the backlash had achieved its objective, as Cooper made an apology yesterday, and said that after trying out the game, she realized the game wasn't so bad as she had claimed. Too bad though, the damage has been done, and
Mrs. Lawrence has officially joined the ranks of Kevin McCullough in every gamers' handbook. Good luck selling that book of yours, Mrs. Lawrence. Next time think with your brains before opening your mouth.

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